Thursday 16 February 2017

Interview with a famous person

Interview with a famous person - a psychologist

1.       What can you tell us about psychology?
Psychology is a science that does not let you get bored, which offers a grid through which to understand what human, emotions, behaviors are. Psychology  develop yourself as much as a person and to get closer to who you want to be. Psychology as a science relates mainly to the study of human behavior and mental processes and is focused on two main areas: health and disease.
2.       A lot of people think that is wrong to go to a psychologist. This attitude, did it change?
A first barrier you have to break a psychologist is thinking:  "I do not go to a psychologist, I’m not crazy" concept that was rooted in the past and that we're still fighting. Fortunately we conducted several awareness campaigns, many people and especially young people are very receptive to the idea of going to a psychologist. A question arises on that right do not differentiate between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, that difference is vital in making the decision to consult one of the two. If the psychiatrist is a doctor who will prescribe a medication consultation, the psychologist has as main weapon conversation and various techniques that target the emotions, thoughts, behaviors and physiological symptoms. The psychologist can help you understand and bring you to the point where you will be able to help yourself.

3.       Certainly you helped many cases in you career. Is it one more special?
Yes, for me there is a case that probably I will remember him throughout my career and I think I learned the most. The most important thing I learned then was that the person has all the answers in it, the psychologist is only person who guides the discovery. Initially we are there to run with the client, then he will gradually learn how to run alone and slowly we will be able to withdraw.
4.       Can you recommend a book that we must read?
There are many books on psychology can teach us  "special" things.
Psychology addresses many issues and it is hard to make a recommendation to suit everyone. For more information on any aspect studied psychology I recommend anyone to inform that are big names in the field of interest and seek main author books in bookstores or libraries. Another recommendation would have to be very careful when you buy a self help book. Of the many books of this type, not all shows methods that have proven effective or start from a theory with scientific basis.
5.       Make an advice, please, for all the people to remain calm and be positive.
To keep our composure even when things around us are not so pleasant on how we would like is important to have a flexible thinking that can face any challenge. It is also important to have personal projects, to know every time we fight for what we want and in areas important for us. It is equally important to make time for the things we love and never forget that and relaxation is vital to a fulfilling life.

5th Grade
Georgescu Andreea - Daniela, School Counselor at Secondary School in Nucet, Romania

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