Sunday 11 June 2017

Interview with a teacher

 Interviu cu un profesor de limba si literatura română.

Versiunea în limba română:
Când şi cum aţi ales să deveniţi profesoară de limba şi literatura română?
Nu ştiu exact când, dar sunt sigură ca n-am vrut niciodată să fac altceva. Poate de pe vremea copilăriei, de când nu ştiam să citesc, dar îmi aliniam tovarăşii de joacă şi le spuneam poveşti. 
Ce e cel mai greu în această profesie?
Aici nimic nu e uşor, pe umerii dascălilor apasă grele meniri. Trebuie să ţii cumpăna dreaptă, altfel, copilul e cel care va suferi şi efectele se  vor simţi în timp. 
Când aţi fost fericită şi când aţi simţit că merită tot efortul?
Ori de câte ori s-au afişat rezultatele la olimpiade, la concursurile naţionale, la admitere la toate facultăţile de prestigiu din ţară, unde elevii mei sunt întotdeauna primii. E  cea mai mare bucurie  a unui dascăl. Atunci simţi cu adevărat că merita osteneala şi e şi motivul pentru care poţi merge mai departe. Fericită eram la fiecare 15 septembrie şi 15 iunie, când îmi întâmpinam sau îmi conduceam copiii. Şi acum am emoţii când începe şcoala...
Care au fost câteva lucruri esenţiale pe care aţi încercat să le transmiteţi la orele de română?
Am avut prilejul, să contribui la formarea unui lung şir de tineri, cărora m-am străduit - şi în ceasurile „bune” poate că am şi reuşit - nu numai să le comunic cunoştinţe, ci şi să le  insuflu  altceva, mai de preţ: deschiderea către cultura, respectul pentru limba română, dragostea pentru „scripturile romane” de ieri şi de azi. Am încercat să le predau mai ales lecţia omeniei şi a adevărului ca fiind cea mai înaltă formă de respect, lecţie pe care şi eu am deprins-o la şcoala unor dascăli minunaţi.                             
Dacă ar fi să definiţi într-o frază ce a însemnat pentru dumneavoastră activitatea la catedră, cum aţi rezuma-o?
Activitatea mea la catedră a fost o imensă bucurie a comunicării, o neobosită strădanie de a-i ajuta pe copii să pătrundă inteligent şi gândind în toată bogăţia interioară a limbii, să-i fac să treacă de la starea de cânt la aceea de gând, în abordarea oricărei probleme, nu numai a celor de limbă.             
Ce le spuneţi foştilor elevi?
Foştilor mei elevi le urez să trăiască frumos şi bine, dacă se poate, şi să nu uite să fie oameni. Nu e uşor, dar e posibil.
Ce vă doriţi cel mai mult?
Îmi doresc să fiu sănătoasă şi să am răgazul şi tihna necesare ca să zăbovesc mai mult între cărţile mele, să intru mai des în librării, unde să mă răsfăţ, în acest singur mic paradis care ne e la îndemână.
English version:
When and how you chose to become a teacher of Romanian language and literature?                               
I do not know exactly when, but I am sure that I never wanted to do anything else.  Perhaps from the childhood, when even if  I didn’t know how to read, but I aligned my playmates (my toys) and I told them stories. 

How do you see the Romanian education system in comparison to then and now?
In education is a major difference between then and now.  Education now requires many changes and they aren’t all good.

What is the hardest in this profession?
It's a job in which the requirement and the indulgence are a big problem, because if you are not correct, the child is the one who will suffer and the effects will be felt during time.

When you were happy and when you felt it's worth the effort?
Whenever when I sow the results of Olympic and national examinations or of the admission to prestigious faculties in the country, where my students are always first. It is the greatest joy of a teacher. Then it really feel worthwhile and it is why you can go on.

Which are the essentials that you tried to send to children in Romanian classes?
I had the opportunity, to contribute to a long line of young, which I tried not only to convey knowledge, but also to inspire something more precious: openness to culture, respect for Romanian love for "Roman scripts" from yesterday and today. I tried to teach especially the lesson of humanity and truth as the highest form of respect.

What do you say to your former students?
I wish my former students to live nice and good, and always remember to be nice people. It's not easy, but it’s possible.

What do you want the most?
I want to be healthy and have respite and tranquility necessary to linger more from my books, to go more often in bookstores, where I pampering.

                                          Maries Nadira, Clasa a VII-a B, Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare

Thursday 16 February 2017

Interview with a famous person

Interview with a famous person - a psychologist

1.       What can you tell us about psychology?
Psychology is a science that does not let you get bored, which offers a grid through which to understand what human, emotions, behaviors are. Psychology  develop yourself as much as a person and to get closer to who you want to be. Psychology as a science relates mainly to the study of human behavior and mental processes and is focused on two main areas: health and disease.
2.       A lot of people think that is wrong to go to a psychologist. This attitude, did it change?
A first barrier you have to break a psychologist is thinking:  "I do not go to a psychologist, I’m not crazy" concept that was rooted in the past and that we're still fighting. Fortunately we conducted several awareness campaigns, many people and especially young people are very receptive to the idea of going to a psychologist. A question arises on that right do not differentiate between a psychologist and a psychiatrist, that difference is vital in making the decision to consult one of the two. If the psychiatrist is a doctor who will prescribe a medication consultation, the psychologist has as main weapon conversation and various techniques that target the emotions, thoughts, behaviors and physiological symptoms. The psychologist can help you understand and bring you to the point where you will be able to help yourself.

3.       Certainly you helped many cases in you career. Is it one more special?
Yes, for me there is a case that probably I will remember him throughout my career and I think I learned the most. The most important thing I learned then was that the person has all the answers in it, the psychologist is only person who guides the discovery. Initially we are there to run with the client, then he will gradually learn how to run alone and slowly we will be able to withdraw.
4.       Can you recommend a book that we must read?
There are many books on psychology can teach us  "special" things.
Psychology addresses many issues and it is hard to make a recommendation to suit everyone. For more information on any aspect studied psychology I recommend anyone to inform that are big names in the field of interest and seek main author books in bookstores or libraries. Another recommendation would have to be very careful when you buy a self help book. Of the many books of this type, not all shows methods that have proven effective or start from a theory with scientific basis.
5.       Make an advice, please, for all the people to remain calm and be positive.
To keep our composure even when things around us are not so pleasant on how we would like is important to have a flexible thinking that can face any challenge. It is also important to have personal projects, to know every time we fight for what we want and in areas important for us. It is equally important to make time for the things we love and never forget that and relaxation is vital to a fulfilling life.

5th Grade
Georgescu Andreea - Daniela, School Counselor at Secondary School in Nucet, Romania

Thursday 26 January 2017



Last days I went to my mother’s job. She works as a hospital’s nurse. I’ve talked with some of my mother’s colleagues and I loved that! All the employees are very nice with people and they love to take care of those who need help.
An hospital’s nurse works 8 or 12 hours in shifts and she needs to administrate pacient’s pills, to take care of new pacients who are coming to the hospital, to verify the problems of the pacients, to prepare the doctor  equipment, to verify the health of the pacient and to inform the doctor about every change of the health’pacient.
A nurse must be nice, careful to people’s needs, polite, vigilant, cautious, a good organizer, communicative.
It was a fascinating experience and I liked to take interview to a nurse!

5th Grade

Georgescu Andreea - Daniela, School Counselor at Secondary School in Nucet, Romania

Monday 12 December 2016

INTERVIEW with a teacher from our school

Our group was interested to interview a teacher.
The questions and the answers are presented in the text below:

1.      Hello! I admire a lot my teachers and I think is a great job teaching children. How did you choose your job?

I’m glad to find that the children are interested to their teachers and I’m glad that you choose me to interview.
Since I was a child, maybe by your age, I liked to play the rol of a teacher with the dolls. When I growed up, I’ve thought seriously at this job. I love the children, I love working with children and sharing my knowledges with them.

2.      Did your job accomplish your needs?

Firstly, my need is to get the child to be  happy in my class and be impatient to came in my class, hour after hour. Is very important to me that the student be curious about the informations that I can gave him the next hour at my class.

3.      Do you enjoy your job? Why?

I enjoy my job very much and this is the reason that I still teach. I love the children and a I love teach them what I know.

4.      Is something to your job that you don’t like?

I can’t tell that is something that I don’t like, but sometimes I feel disappointed when I don’t succed to please all my students, but nobody is perfect and nobody can satisfy all the people.

5.      What do you tell me about your schedule?

I spend 5-6 hours per day  working with my students in my class, but after that, I must prepare myself for the next day by making papers, interesting activities for the students and other things.

6.      Which are the steps to become a teacher?

To become a teacher is a long time process. You must learn all the time.  After you graduate a high school, you must follow the courses at a University. That depends that you want to learn: geography, history, biology, math, foreign languages and so on. At the same time you must follow psychological and pedagogical courses. Without this course you can’t teach at any school. After graduating the courses at the University, you must pass a national exam to get classes at school.

7.      Please send a message to young people who want to become a teacher.

Be patient, kind and try to reach at the students soul!

  1. Thank you for the time and good luck!

5th Grade

Georgescu Andreea - Daniela, School Counselor at Secondary School in Nucet, Romania

Thursday 1 December 2016

Interview with the teacher

Interview with the teacher

1. Why did you choose this career?

School has always been like home to me, I couldn’t part with it. I wanted to offer my pupils the opportunity for a better future and I hope I did.

2. What were the advantages and disadvantages of this career?

The disadvantage was that I was working with people not thinking the same way as me, and the children were being rude sometimes. The advantages are countless, considering that I was doing what I loved to do. “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” These are very wise words.

3. Are you happy with your decision?

Of course I am! I don’t regret the decision I made, on the contrary, becoming a teacher was one of the best things in my life.

4. What advice would you give to today’s students?

I want them to think twice before doing anything and to respect their parents, their teachers and everyone around them. Education is one of the most precious gifts!

            5. What was the most pleasant experience you’ve ever lived, as a teacher?

It was probably when I saw that my students fulfilled their dreams because I gave them a hand by leading them on the right track. It’s a wonderful feeling to accomplish your work!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Occupations by age-Iana Claudia

Occupations by age

  Children  of  5-10  years:
-policeman .
  Children  of  10-14  years:

 People aged:

Friday 18 November 2016

From  the survey conducted by pupils at primary Grade in Secondary School in Nucet the results wers the following
TOP 5 jols in adolescents
-       Policeman
-          Driver
-          Footballer
-          Doctor
-           Lawyer 
TOP 5 among adults trades
-          Polician
    -          Minister
    -          Engineer
    -          Minister
    -          Arhitect

TOP 5 trades in the elderly
-          Professor
-          -           Lawyer
-          Engineer
-          Accountant
-          Doctor

Teacher Calota Iulia-Adriana, School Nuce

From  the survey conducted by pupils at 4th Grade in Secondary School in Nucet the results wers the following
TOP 5 jols in adolescents
-          Doctor
-          Lawyer
-          Driver
-          Policeman
-           Footballer
TOP 5 among adults trades
-            - Arhitect
-          Engineer
-          Minister
-          Polician
-          Minister
TOP 5 trades in the elderly
-          -           Lawyer
-          Professor
-          Doctor
-          Accountant
-          Engineer

Teacher  Stancu Cerasela, School Nucet

The` results of 2nd Grade in NUCET Secondary School - Top 5 jobs

 TEENS favorite jobs : Journalist
        Event organizer
ADULTS favorite jobs : Engineer
OLDER PEOPLE favorite jobs :  Professor


From  the survey conducted by pupils at 5th Grade in Secondary School in Nucet the results wers the following
TOP 5 jols in adolescents
-           -         Newspaperman
-          DJ
-          Footballer
-          Diver
-          Policeman
TOP 5 among adults trades
-           -         Doctor
-          Engineer
-          Minister
-          Man cook
-          Actor
TOP 5 trades in the elderly
-            -        Tailor
-          Potter
-          Tractor-driver                  
-          Accountant
-          Engineer

Teacher  Gheorghe Silvia, School Nucet
